How many soles

This documents were found in the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington New Zealand. They are part of a group of documents that make up the old land claim documents. These documents where all used as evidence in each of the 3 land claims put in by
James Salter claim disallowed
Dr Richard Day claim disallowed
and George Stannard who appeared before the commissioner but declined to pay the fee so there was no case granted
but the documents help to confirm information  so I'm using them when I need to verify information I have or information from other sources

OLC 744 4
OLC 744 3
OLC 744 2

OLC 744 1
In a letter held at Wellington Archives NZ written by Richard Day states, “In December 1840, the party consisting of twenty five individuals including servants and children sailed from Plymouth
Also in the same document “Your memorialist being prevented by sickness from accompanying them”

The following is a Transcription of the above document with the relevant sentences in a different colour

OLC 744 4
OLC 744 3
OLC 744 2
OLC 744 1
To His Excellency William Hobson Esquire Captain in her Majesty’s Royal Navy
Governor and Commander in Chief of the Colony of New Zealand and its dependencies
And Vice Admiral of the same,

The respectful memorial of Richard Day MD sheweth
That in December 1838 Your memorialist in the course of professional duties visited New Zealand, and having been commissioned by a few highly respectable individuals inhabitants of Cork, Ireland previously to be leaving home to select some locality suitable for extensive agricultural pursuits as they were desirous of emigrating, after a short stay at Hokianga , Your memorialist accompanied by the Reverend N Turner, then Chairman of the Wesleyan Mission proceeded to Kaipara and being struck with the eligibility of a portion of land in that District, and moreover being solicited by the Native Chief Parore to become a settler in his valley, Your memorialist with the approbation and aid of the said Mr Turner effected a purchase , Deeds were duly executed and signed and according to Native custom an earnest given which transaction took place on the 7th March 1839.
On return of your Memorialist to Ireland in September 1839 the parties above alluded to begin to enable the necessary preparation for proceeding to New Zealand and as they were all extensively engaged in business rather more than twelve months elapsed before theses preparations were completed.
In December 1840, the party consisting of twenty five individuals including servants and
Children sailed from Plymouth. Your memorialist being prevented by sickness from accompanying them. They arrived at Sydney in March 1841 and after a detention of three months in consequence of the difficulty of procuring a vessel for the Kaipara, succeeded in chartering the Sophia Pate and arrived in Auckland with the hope of seeing your Excellency in which honor they were disappointed your Excellency having departed for Port Nicholson.
Your memorials friends then proceeded towards the spot which they had intended for their future home but the melancholy fate which befell them is well known to Your Excellency . The Sophia Pate was wrecked nearly three miles to the southward of the entrance to the harbour and only one little boy of the party (twenty in number) was rescued from a watery grave. By an all wise Providence two of the principals interested had crossed the country from the Bay of Islands to enable preparation for the reception of the party on board and were thus preserved from the calamity which deprived them of friends relations and property at a bl…?.
In consequence of the many important changes which have taken place in the country since your memorialist effected the purchase that he considers it due not to himself but to the survivors, two of whom are orphans to losing his case thus especially before your Excellency with the hope of obtaining your sanction for the completion of the purchase that when the land claim at Kaipara shall be investigated your memorialist may be treated as it would have been had the Sophia Pate not been lost and the property on board given to chief Parore
And 1st Your memorialist begs leave to direct your Excellency’s attention to the fact that this case has no parallel aomg the numerous claims for land before your notice.
2nd That the land purchased and solemnity covenanted to be paid for withour any reference to the probable colonisation of the country by the Crown, or the least intention of profiting by it and land jobbing speculation as the emigration of so respectable a body of settlers, hinging on them a large amount of property, agricultural implements and livestock abundantly proves.
3rd That no time was lost on your memorialists return to Ireland in fulfilling his part of the contract.
4th That the memorialists friends without exception gave up well connected and in some case extensive business at home with the express purpose of settling here for life and the consequent loss of property, none of which was insured, their survivors are left in circumstances of destitution.
5th That the part unhappily lost, were to have been followed by several families of their friends as soon as these should have heard of the safe arrival of the former, and they now anxiously wait your Excellency’s determination.
6th. That the native Chief Parore knows that some yet survivors is anxious that they should complete their engagement and settle on the property and your memorialist considers himself bound not only by his agreement but by the principles of good faith and honesty to comply with his wishes and only with your Excellency’s sanction for so doing.
Last your memorialist relying confidently on the merits of his case and believing your Excellency to be vested wit ample discretionary powers to meet the peculiar circumstances of his position begs leave most respectfully to lay this subject befoe the prayer that his in the simple and unvarnished form in which he has laid it before your
Excellency may be made one of the special consideration and your memorialist as in duty bound will ever pray.
Richards Day MD
and surgeon

Auckland July 16th 1842

This letter written by Dr Richard Day says there are 25 individuals but James Salter didnt bring his wife he came with a Miss Salter ,his sister not a Mrs Salter his wife and he only had 8 children not 10 and the “Neptune” passenger list confirmed this

The second part I have marked “Your memorialist being prevented by sickness from accompanying them” means owing to illness Richard Day was unable to accompany them, but he would come to New Zealand at a later date.

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